2021: How Immunity, Epigenetics and Inflammation Impact Neuromodulation: What Clinicians Need to Know
Presented by Penijean Gracefire & Alexandra Linardakis: This presentation will offer a basic understanding of the immune system through the life cycle (Ledford, 2017), and present emerging research currently shaping the conversation around how neuropsychiatric conditions are affected by inflammation, infection and injury (Jacka, 2010).
Resources will be introduced to support clinicians as they update their intake procedures to help determine when the client is in a post acute syndrome stage and can benefit from neurotherapy, and when it’s better to refer out for additional medical evaluation. Practical suggestions will be provided to help with both educating the clients and providing more comprehensive treatment plans, and the developing role of teletherapy and therapeutic technologies will be highlighted as options and recommendations are discussed.
Course Lessons