Support: FAQ's
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are our courses for?
Clinicians, Educators, Students, & Coaches.
We do not offer training directly to patients.
Can I get CEs?
Our CE courses are approved / accredited by the BCIA.
How do I know the quality of the content of the videos?
Our Programs, Courses and Instructors are independently evaluated by state and national organizations, such as BCIA and APA so you can be assured of a top notch experience.
Are our courses approved by BCIA?
YES! We provide the required training for certification in general biofeedback, EEG biofeedback / neurofeedback, and pelvic floor disorders. You can also use our courses for recertification.
What education level are our courses set at?
Postgraduate (Masters and Doctorate level).
Note that these are difficult courses. They require about the same amount of time, work, and effort as any three credit graduate science class.
How do I take (sign up for / register for) a course?
These are online education courses. Just purchase the course at the ISNR eShop and use our secure ordering site to pay by credit card in US funds.